Aluminum Casting Defect Handbook

Get your FREE Aluminum Foundry Handbook of Casting Defects!

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The Aluminum Foundry Handbook of Casting Defects was created by Foundrymen for Foundrymen. The handbook lists the causes, controls and detection methods for most aluminum casting defects. It is a critical tool for supervisors, engineers and quality personnel of aluminum foundries. In addition, It provides valuable information to purchasing agents and quality engineers of the end customer. In other words, if you produce or purchase castings, you need this book!

Foundries are not like any other manufacturing business. There is typically no single solution (or single cause), for each type of casting defect. To make it worse, many casting defects are subsurface and cannot be detected unless the part is cut into pieces. However, our customers still want zero ppm. We may never get there but if that is our goal we can keep improving and keep our customers at bay.

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